Tuesday, November 9, 2010

AMD's Financial Analyst Day 2010

At its annual Financial Analyst Day, AMD demonstrated how its unique combination of CPU and GPU computing technologies on a single die will enable breakthrough capabilities in an innovative processor design with planned OEM system availability in early 2011. AMD executives detailed how this new class of processor, AMD Fusion Accelerated Processing Units (APUs), is poised to create a sustained position of advantage by powering demanding PC workloads in sleek form factors with long battery life, pacing future AMD growth. AMD Fusion APUs are built from DirectX® 11-capable GPU technology and either low-power or high-performance multi-core x86 CPU technology. These APUs are designed to vastly improve today's Internet, video processing and playback, and gaming (client and online) experiences. For the first time, AMD also demonstrated its new high-performance x86 multi-core CPU architecture codenamed "Bulldozer" and provided additional information around the "Bulldozer" launch schedule.

AMD also announced several notable updates to its 2011-2012 roadmaps including:

Server - All “Bulldozer”, all the time

By the end of 2012, every new server CPU AMD bring to market will be based on the new “Bulldozer” architecture. “Bulldozer” will power multiple platforms designed to give server buyers what they keep asking for: more threads, more memory and the best performance-per-watt, per-dollar available. The “Terramar” CPU, planned for release in 2012, will indeed scale to 20 cores in our mainstream, 2- and 4-processor server platforms. The cloud’s new best friend will be “Sepang,” planned for release in 2012. “Sepang” is planned to scale up to 10 cores and is targeted at low-cost, low-power 1- and 2-way platforms.

Client Roadmap - Velocity goal: the best APUs every year

Velocity is the term Rick Bergman introduced last year to signal the new AMD Fusion APU design methodology and product introduction cadence. AMD Velocity builds on AMD’s already established annual GPU design cycle to achieve a faster pace of innovation than AMD previously achieved with a CPU-only development focus.

"Krishna" and "Wichita" are two and four-core 28nm APUs based on the next-generation sub-one watt "Bobcat" CPU cores and a DirectX 11-capable GPU, designed for the tablets, notebooks, HD netbooks, and desktop form-factors. "Trinity" is a 32nm APU based on AMD's next-generation "Bulldozer" CPU cores and a DirectX 11-capable GPU, designed for mainstream and high-performance desktops and notebooks. "Komodo" is a 32nm CPU featuring up to 10 AMD "Bulldozer" CPU cores designed for high-performance and enthusiast desktops.