Tuesday, December 9, 2008

OpenCL 1.0 spec released

The Khronos Group has released the first version of the OpenCL specification. The 1.0 spec has been ratified by a large number of companies, including AMD, Apple, Broadcom, Intel, Motorola, Nokia, Nvidia, and many others. Since this is a public release, developers can grab the spec itself and documentation right now through this page.

The OpenCL programming standard and associated technologies are aimed at better enabling developers to write vendor-neutral applications that can execute on either the CPU or GPU within a system. This allows developers to easily take advantage of whichever processor is best suited for the task at hand.

AMD is a founding and contributing member of the OpenCL working group in The Khronos Group, and has consistently been one of the most vocal and active proponents of the standard. AMD is committed to getting this valuable new technology into the hands of programmers as quickly as possible, and is rapidly evolving its free ATI Stream SDK to make it happen. AMD is making good progress on its OpenCL-compliant offering and plans to release a developer version of the ATI Stream SDK with support for OpenCL 1.0 for content developers in the first half of 2009. Working from early specifications of OpenCL, AMD’s engineering team has already started running code on its initial implementation.

AMD has announced its plans to release the free download of ATI Catalyst™ driver update, version 8.12, which will instantly unlock new ATI Stream acceleration capabilities already built into millions of ATI Radeon™ graphics cards. The driver is available for download on or around December 10.

About ATI Stream
ATI Stream is a set of advanced hardware and software technologies that enable AMD graphics processors (GPU), working in concert with the system’s central processor (CPU), to accelerate applications beyond just graphics. This enables better balanced platforms capable of running demanding computing tasks faster than ever. For more information on ATI Stream and the ATI Stream SDK visit www.amd.com/stream.


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